Imagine that your dream home suddenly became available. However, in order to buy it, you would need to sell your current home first. How long would it take you to get ready to put your home on the market? Whether you are planning to move or not, it is always a good idea to keep your home as clutter-free as possible. In this case, being prepared would save you a lot of stress, worry, work, and frustration. As an added bonus, I am willing to bet that you would enjoy your surroundings just a little bit more!
As you are reading these words, I would like you to take a look around your home and ask yourself these questions:
Could I put my house on the market in just a few weeks, without too much stress?
Do I feel comfortable having someone just pop in, unannounced, for a visit?
Do I really NEED all this "stuff" that surrounds me? Are these things that I love, need, or use? What about all the items that are stuffed in the closets and storage spaces? Would I miss them, or would I actually feel lighter once they are gone?
Life often takes unexpected turns, no matter how carefully we plan things out. Illness, unexpected moves, you name it. Having "our ducks in a row" will make those unexpected turns much easier to deal with. So, why not get busy and de-clutter to create a home you can love and feel proud to show off?
Then, if life throws you a curve ball, or you happen to come across that dream home, you will be glad that you were prepared.
Need accountability or hands-on assistance with any of your organizing projects? Call or email, I’m here to help, whether in person or virtually. Call 585-201-6009 or write to